Fact: The full faculties of four of the Claremont Colleges voted overwhelmingly not to site the KGI on the Bernard Field Station. Fact: The student senate at Pomona College voted unanimously to protect the BFS from development. A petition signed by 1200 students was sent to the presidents. Fact: Letters sent to the Architectural Commission and the Claremont Courier have been overwhelmingly in favor of saving this land from development.
The Architectural Commission will be considering the final environmental impact report in July. Meetings will be at 7 pm at City Hall. July 7: | the less controversial issues (this will be at 420 Harvard) | July 14: | the less controversial issues (this will be at 420 Harvard) | July 21: | the alternative sites and the project benefits | July 28: | the decision about certification of the EIR | In late fall: | the AC will decide whether or not to approve building on the BFS. | | Send letters to the Architectural Commission and the City Council at: P.O. Box 880, Claremont, CA 91711 Send letters to the Courier at: 111 S. College Ave, Claremont CA 91711 | Note on our entry in the parade: A very famous Revolutionary War slogan --Don't Tread On Me! -- appeared on both a yellow flag with a coiled rattlesnake (the Gadsden flag) and on a red-and-white striped flag with a rippling rattlesnake across it (the Culpeper flag). The rattlesnake was chosen as a good example of America's virtues. It is unique to America; individually its rattles produce no sound but united they can be heard by all; and while it does not attack unless provoked, it is deadly to step upon one. The Friends have adapted these designs by using a variety of animals that live on the Bernard Biological Field Station. We ask the Colleges and the City not to tread on any of them. The Friends of the Bernard Biological Field Station invite you to joint the fight to save this land. If you would like to be kept informed about what is happening or want to become actively involved, call (909) 260-4403 or write to PO Box 1101, Claremont, CA 91711 | June 26,1999 |