Peter Yao
The City of Claremont is about 14 square miles in size. The developed area is about 10 square miles. Claremont residents currently enjoy the remaining 4 square miles of City owned and private land as undeveloped open space either by not seeing buildings or participate in open space activities like watching wildlife, hiking, biking or in my case, running. I fully support the wishes of Claremont residents as captured by the Updated General Plan in keeping the current undeveloped land as permanent open space in Claremont. Open space adds to the quality of life in Claremont in environmental and sustainable terms. Open space adds value beyond that of passive parks and outdoor sports facilities.
I supported both the failed Assessment District financing method and the successful Measure S bond financing method in purchasing Johnson’s Pasture (JP). Acquiring JP was my single objective beyond that of local political disagreements. We must follow CWC’s lead and work with the State of California as partners in acquiring the remaining acres of Claremont hillside as soon as possible.
BFS is open space in Claremont even though it is on flatland. It is one of the last remaining undisturbed open-spaces along our busy Foothill Blvd. It too is under development pressure by its current owner, the Claremont Colleges. While the City respects the philosophy of private land /private use, it must nevertheless act as principles in promoting the quality of life for all Claremonters regarding natural land. Disturbing a natural laboratory for recreational use such as parks is unacceptable. Building on or near BFS should be done as an absolute last resort and not based on efficiency factors or economic reasons. BFS is a city treasure. We are fortunate to enjoy it today. We must work together in extending its benefit for future generations.