FBBFS Newsletters | FBBFS Home Page

Tours of the Station

     We would love to show you around the Field Station, so come and see what's there. One and a half hour guided tours of the Station may be arranged by calling 621-6381. Dress for hiking and wear sunscreen.

Oh, the Cattails You'll Pull...!
Volunteers needed!

     Life is teeming at pHake Lake and the biggest "teemsters" are the cattails which are doing so well they are clogging up the shoreline. The trail around the lake needs trimming again, too.

     We had work days in fall and in the spring and cleared a goodly area but lots more needs to be done.

     Join us for the next volunteer day-- It's satisfying aerobic exercise and you have a great excuse to play in the mud!

Weaving Webs
The Friend's website is

The BFS home page is a work in progress but you can learn about the geology and some of the plants and animals at the Station by clicking on the link to it from our website.

Wish List
     The BFS budget is small so if you have any of the following that are in good condition but just hanging about unused, please consider sending them our way:

garden tools
bike rack
laser printer
metal lockers
air compressor
small chainsaw
desktop copier

By any other name...
     Our newsletter title lacks pizazz. Usethose little gray cells and submit ideasfor a new name.

**You are Invited...

     We would love to have others join in the production of this newsletter. Call 621-6381 if any of the following appeal to you:
* biological illustration
* drawing cartoons
* writing articles
* desktop publishing
* distribution

*Many thanks to all who have donated!*

    If you haven't yet contributed, please consider doing so. We depend on donations to fund this newsletter and our activities at the BFS

The FBBFS is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization and your contributions are tax-deductible.

Update on the NCMP

     On May 24, the Architectural Commission approved the North Campus Master Plan and issued a Statement of Overriding Consideration asserting that the benefits of the project outweigh the damage.

     The offer of land to add to the Wilderness Park was considered a major benefit, even though 3/4 of the land has strings attached. In order to get some or all of these 180 acres, the city will have to allow CUC to use them as a "benefit" or mitigation to gain approval for the master plan CUC will present in 10 years. If the plan is not approved, the taxpayers may have to pay CUC $750,000 for the land. Even if the plan is approved, the City may have to buy whatever land wasn't used for mitigation.

The Friends have filed an appeal which is scheduled to be heard on June 21, at 6:30 pm, probably at City Hall.

*Upcoming events*

June 10:
Yard sale at 115 East 7th St, 8 am to 3 pm to raise money for the Coalition to Preserve Claremont's Character, which will sponsor a referendum against the NCMP approval. For info, call 932-1529. Their website is cpcc.n3.net.

June 21:
City Hall, 6:30 p.m. The City Council is scheduled to consider the appeal of the approval of the North Campus Master Plan and to approve the development agreement for the project.

July 4:
The friends will have an information booth in Memorial Park during the day. If you can help out for an hour or so, please let us know.

We will also be marching in the parade, so let us know if you would like to help us plan our entry or march with us.

We will have a booth at Village Venture with activities for children. If you have any suggestions for activities, or would like to help staff the booth, please give us a call or send e-mail from our website.

!!Bumper stickers!!
(see back of newsletter)

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